“We will not find ourselves in the shadows of buildings, but only out in the shadows of the trees, the salty mist of the seas, and amidst the deep breaths driving our push up the mountain.

I hope you take some time in this lifetime to explore your truest nature, out in the wildness of nature, and that my imagery inspires you to get out there and do so.

With love and gratitude,

Noah S. Becker”

Please remember to always respect the principles of Leave No Trace when venturing outdoors. Do your part to help preserve all the grandeur of nature for future generations.

In a nutshell, that means “take only pictures and leave only footprints”. To learn more about how to be the best steward for our home you can be when you venture outdoors, you can learn more about the 7 principles of Leave No Trace wilderness travel at —> https://lnt.org/why/7-principles/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImYfyms716AIV0QiICR1IOAXdEAAYASABEgJfuvD_BwE

Copyright Notice: Images on this site are not for re-use or repurposing without prior consent — All uses require prior licensing/consent/permission directly from me. Thank you for respecting my hard work!
Purchasing/Licensing: I offer a variety of print formats and custom sizes up to billboard size for most images.Please contact me if you are interested in a print, metallic print, canvas, or licensing for use in digital format. I also am an avid woodworker and can make custom installations of multiple images. LMK what you’re dreaming up and we will figure it out!

Top of the World, Iceland Highlands, Summer - 2019. Shot by my good friend and photography sensei Shane Wheel. (shanewheel.com)